The proces
The first phase
The first phase or first fitting is the moulding, which is the soul of couture. This technique is used on the body, in 3D, and uses cotton or lining cloth. The design and the pattern evolve simultaneously.
The moulding technique offers room for new ideas and leads to a dialogue with the fabric. This creates the best forms which are executed and finished to perfection, which can be seen as sculpting in fabric. The garment fits the body perfectly – together they make a whole. Using this technique requires intuition, creativity, originality, imaginative ability and craftsmanship.
Second fitting
Creating a pattern in real fabric with the seams on the outside. Pattern and fabric have by now come together and fit the body nicely. Here we have a look at what’s right and what can be improved. This is done on the body as well. In this phase Irene will give styling advice on possible combinations, from haircut to shoes.
Third fitting
The pattern is adjusted to length with shoes. The seams are stitched and fasteners are finished. Every detail is made as neat as possible.
The fourth fitting
The fourth fitting takes place about two weeks before the wedding. It’s now time to really finish things off, i.e. sew on buttons and inside bands. We go over all the details to make sure there are no loose ends.
The last appointment is scheduled days before the wedding. The dream has now become reality. The creation is handed to the client, nicely ironed and packaged.